Saturday, December 19, 2009

The going get tougher,lier lier pants on fire!!!!

Tiger wood distorted face has finally review his true identity of himself.

Recently, the breaking new of tiger wood adulterous with woman has been spread internationally for everyone to realise unknowingly. He sincerely make an apologetic reply to all the media's to his past mistakes.His remorsefullness towards his wife was unforgivable.So how many mistress has been hiding???.Here are the 10 mistress that he have kept secretly.

And here's our number 1 mistress of the day:

From the top:First left hand corner

1.Rachel uchitel
2. Jamie Grubbs
3. Kalika Moquin
4. jamie junger
5.Mindy Lawton
6.Cori Rist
7.holly Sampson
8. Joslyn James
9. Loredana Jolie
10. Julie Postle
We congratulate Rachel uchitel as our number 1 mistress of the day,the most voted popularity star!!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

SCDF team recovers the body of man at the singapore river

A body was found lately at the Singapore river which was unbelievably scary. The body of a man was found floating at the Singapore river. No clues and evidence were shown that the man was either been pushed down by someone or murdered himself accidentally.
Investigator will investigate for the cause of the death of the man.Hopefully, this sudden accidental death will be solve and
justice will be served.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The perception of true

After watching this video,you will felt solemnly distraughted by her disgusting looks to the occurence scene during the horrifying incident that abrupted her life inevitably.Life is a matter of suriving or death in this world,we could think possibly that our life go as easy as we thought,but the true is unreal.

His remorsefulness toward Jacqueline Saburido was speechless.
the video also talk more in detail about her hatred and animosity
toward the guy who runied her life abruptly with the incineration
of huge flames that disfigure her face disgustingly.Her young looking
face has turn into a ghoul looking monster unknowingly.Witness the
reality of true that could harm many innocent life in actuality.Remember,
do not attempt to play with fires around you,or you will regret it for the
rest of your life.